Tagged: lubricants

Understanding the oil analysis results of Diesel Engine Oil

Having the information above is great to understand how your diesel engine oil degrades, but how will you know that it is degrading? One of the most reputable ways is to submit your oil for testing in the lab. Depending on the type of diesel engine (on-highway, marine or off-highway), different tests will be involved. However, here are the basic ones that you should be familiar with.

When determining the health of your diesel engine oil, the first thing to check is the oil’s viscosity, total base number (TBN), whether all the additives are at the correct levels, if there are any wear metals or contaminants present and finally the presence of water or fuel dilution as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Basic oil analysis tests for your diesel engine
Figure 3: Basic oil analysis tests for your diesel engine

Viscosity (American Society for Testing and Materials D445) – The viscosity levels should ideally fall within ±5% of the original value. If they exceed ±10% of the original value, then the levels will fall out of the classification for that grade of oil.

For instance, Mobil Delvac 15w40’s kinematic viscosity, at 100°C, is 15.6 millimeters squared per second (mm2/s), according to its technical data sheet. If this value drops below 14.04 mm2/s or above 17.16 mm2/s then it can no longer be classed as a 15w40 oil and will not be able to properly lubricate the engine. These values vary depending on the manufacturer, application of the oil and the lab being used. These are a guideline in this example.

TBN– This is the amount of alkalinity remaining in the oil. The oil’s alkalinity helps neutralize the acids formed in a diesel engine. This value is always depleting as acids are continuously forming in an engine. However, if the TBN value drops below 40% to 50%, then there isn’t much reserve left to continue to protect the oil. This is the threshold limit, which can vary depending on the application, but this is a good guide to follow.

Additives – All finished lubricants have additive packages. These will vary depending on the oil producer. However, a few additives should be on your radar when trending their depletion in diesel engine oils. These include zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. These additives typically form parts of the dispersant, corrosion and antiwear additives that protect the oil. Ideally trending the decline of these may be helpful but your lab would have reference values (based on the type of oil) and can advise on concerning levels.

Wear metals – During the engine's lifetime, components will wear. Depending on the engine’s manufacturer, the warning limits will also vary (this also differs depending on the application). Iron, aluminum, chromium, copper, lead, molybdenum and tin are some metals to trend. If other special metals are in your engine, then you can ask your lab to include them in the oil analysis report. Typically, if there is an upward trend, this indicates wear/damage of specific components.

Operators can perform a simple test to determine if metal filings are in their oil (indicating some form of wear). They can place the oil in a shallow container and then place a magnet below the container or place the magnet in a sealed plastic bag and immerse it into the container. When the magnet is removed, if there are metal filings on the magnet, then this indicates the presence of wear metals, and the mechanic should begin investigating for damaged components.

Contaminants– These include any material which is foreign to the lubricant. Typically, labs test for the presence of sodium and silicon. Depending on the application’s environment, these values can increase indicating that they are entering the system somehow. Usually, this can occur during lubricant top-ups or improper storage and handling practices.

Presence of water – This is never a good sign because water can affect the lubricant by changing its overall viscosity, bleaching out some of the additives and even acting as a catalyst. Many labs perform a crackle test (where the oil is heated and if it produces a “pop” sound, then that confirms water in the lubricant. In certain instances, it is obvious that there is water present because it settles out in the sump/container. Labs can also perform a test to quantify the volume of water present. Typically, 2,000 ppm to 5,000 ppm is too much for most applications but this varies depending on the manufacturer.

Operators can perform their version of the crackle test by placing some of the oil in a metal spoon and heating it with a flame. If it produces a pop, then they can confirm that the oil has too much water in it before sending it off to the lab. Note: This should not be done in a highly flammable environment!

Fuel dilution – This occurs in most diesel engines due to the nature of the engine. However, limits need to be adhered to because too much fuel in the oil can lead to drastic changes in its viscosity. Usually, this value should not exceed 6%, but this can vary depending on the application and the manufacturer.

One way that operators can find out if there is fuel in their oil is to place a small drop of the oil on a coffee filter and leave it to “dry” for some time. The oil will spread out in concentric rings and if there is fuel present, there will be a rainbow ring. This means that the mechanics need to figure out if there is an issue with any of the injectors or seals in the diesel engine.

Ideally, the main idea with oil analysis is to develop a trend for your equipment and understand how the values align over time. This can help operators spot if an inaccurate sample was taken (possibly after a top-up, directly after an oil change or even from the bottom of the sump). An analysis also assists in planning the maintenance of components. For instance, if the value of iron in the oil analysis report keeps increasing then there is a strong possibility that some iron component is wearing. This can give the mechanic the time they need to investigate the engine and replace the component before it causes unscheduled downtime.

Protect One of Your Greatest Assets

Your diesel engine oil is one of the greatest assets in your fleet. You should be able to use an oil that aligns with your application while slowing its degradation rate with good practices and managing its health. Diesel engine oils form a critical part of your operation and deserve attention.


American Petroleum Institute. (November 18, 2016). New API Certified CK-4 and FA-4 Diesel Engine Oils are Available Beginning December 1. Retrieved from API: https://www.api.org/news-policy-and-issues/news/2016/11/18/new-api-certified-diesel-engine-oils-are

American Petroleum Institute. (February 19, 2024). API's Motor Oil Guide. Retrieved from API: https://www.api.org/-/media/files/certification/engine-oil-diesel/publications/motor%20oil%20guide%201020.pdf

The International Council on Combustion Engines. (2004). Guidelines for diesel engines lubrication - Oil Degradation | Number 22. CIMAC.

Why Does My Diesel Engine Oil Degrade?

All oils degrade over time. They can be considered consumable items as they must be replaced over time. Diesel engine oils are no different except that they may be susceptible to certain mechanisms that turbine oils are not. The diesel engine is often placed under a lot of pressure to deliver power while keeping cool and managing emissions.

The critical areas for lubricant performance in a diesel engine usually include:

  • Viscosity control
  • Alkalinity retention, base number (BN)
  • Engine cleanliness control
  • Insoluble control
  • Wear protection
  • Oxidation stability
  • Nitration

Typically, these factors are monitored in these types of oils to ensure that they remain in a healthy condition.

Several factors affect oil degradation in a diesel engine. According to The International Council on Combustion Engines (The International Council on Combustion Engines, 2004), these include specific lube oil consumption; specific lube oil capacity; system oil circulation speed; NOx content in the crankcase atmosphere; and influence on the lubricant, fuel contamination in trunk piston engines, deposition tendency on the cylinder liner wall, metals in lubricant systems, and oil top-up intervals. These can further be divided into systemic conditions (which cannot be easily altered) and environmental conditions (because of processes occurring within or to the system) as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Systemic & Environmental Conditions which affect degradation of diesel engine oil
Figure 2: Systemic & Environmental Conditions which affect degradation of diesel engine oil

Systemic Conditions

While lubricant degradation can be caused by environmental strains being placed on the lubricant, there are times when the operating design of the system also encourages degradation. Three such cases for diesel engine oils are specific lube oil consumption, specific lube oil capacity and system oil circulation speed.

Specific lube oil consumption (SLOC, g/kWh) is defined as the oil consumption in grams per hour per unit of output in kilowatts (kW) of the engine (The International Council on Combustion Engines, 2004). Over the years, there has been a reduction in the SLOC for engines with special rings inset into the upper part of the cylinder liner. These reduce the rubbing of the crown land against the cylinder liner surface.

With reduced oil consumption, oil top-ups, which would have introduced fresh oil into the system, are consequently reduced. This fresh oil would have increased the presence of additives and helped in maintaining the required viscosity of the current oil. However, since the SLOC is reduced, the oil does not get a “boost” during its lifespan and will continue to degrade at its current rate. Hence, a lower SLOC may encourage the degradation of diesel engine oil.

Specific lube oil capacity, also known as the sump size, which is the nominal quantity in kilograms (kg) of lubricant circulated in the engine per unit of output in kW. According to The International Council on Combustion Engines, the specific oil capacity does not directly affect the equilibrium level of degradation. However, it can influence the rate at which deterioration occurs as smaller sump sizes can increase the rate at which degradation achieves an equilibrium level. Typically for dry sump designs, the specific oil capacity is around 0.5 kg/kW to 1.5 kg/kW. These values are closer to 0.1 kg/kW to 1.0 kg/kW for wet sumps.

System oil circulation speed refers to the time taken for one circulation of the total bulk oil. In diesel engines, lubricants are usually subjected to blow-by gas (including soot and NOx) during their time in the crankcase. If the lubricant spends a longer time in the crankcase, it can become degraded at a faster rate. Typically, the time required for one circulation of bulk oil averages between 1.5 minutes to 6 minutes. However, we have seen the trend toward smaller sump sizes and, by extension, shorter circulation times, which should reduce the degradation rate.

Environmental Conditions

The environmental conditions that lubricants must endure can also influence their degradation. These conditions can either be enforced through the system, its operating conditions or from conditions outside the system. There are a few environmental conditions which must be addressed (The International Council on Combustion Engines, 2004).

Why Does My Diesel Engine Oil Degrade

NOx content in the crankcase atmosphere and influence on the lubricant has more applicability to gasoline engines compared to diesel engines but they should not be fully ruled out. Diesel engines are more susceptible to sulfur-derived acids (caused by the burning of diesel fuel). However, NOx can be produced by the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen during combustion, which can affect degradation.

Field studies show a correlation between nitration levels, an increase in viscosity and an increase in acid in the oil. NOx can also behave as a precursor and catalyst that promotes oxidation through the formation of free radicals in the lubricant. On the other hand, there can be direct nitration of the lubricant and its oxidation products to produce soluble nitrates and nitro compounds. These can eventually polymerize to form similar by-products of oxidation. This can lead to increased acidity (lowering the BN) and increased viscosity of the lubricant.

Fuel contamination in trunk piston engines happens quite often in diesel engines. If the fuel injectors are defective or the seals do not effectively seal to keep fuel out, fuel enters the oil. When fuel is in the oil, oil can become degraded quickly, often causing the viscosity to reduce to a value that compromises the ability of the oil to form a protective layer inside the component. The fuel dilution test can quantify the content of fuel in the oil. Depending on the type of engine, the tolerance levels will differ.

Deposition tendency on the cylinder liner wall is usually caused by unburnt fuel or excess oil in this area or the chamber. Typically, the piston rings scrape these deposits back into the oil, leading to an increase in the volume of insolubles. This also increases the viscosity of the oil, and it appears a darker color.

Reducing the SLOC also decreases the deposits on the liner wall because special rings (near the top of the liner) are installed to have controlled clearance of the piston crown. This reduces the crown land deposit which can also minimize bore polish and hot carbon wiping.

In addition, with a reduction in SLOC, the number of oil top ups is also reduced. As such, the replenishment rate of additives (in particular the BN) is not as frequent. Therefore, the degradation of the oil will advance at a slightly faster rate due to the lower SLOC which affects the rate of top up.

Metals in lubricant systems can also act as a catalyst for the degradation of the oil. During the oxidation process, copper is one of the most common catalysts in addition to other wear metals (such as iron) which can increase the rates of oxidation. As such, the presence of these metals increases the degradation rate as well.

Oil top-up intervals must be managed in such a way that it does not disturb the balance of the system. Typically, when the sump level falls below 90% to 95% (depending on the manufacturer), a top-up is needed. When fresh oil enters the system, it replenishes some additives and breathes new life into the oil. However, with this change in temperature of new oil coming into the system (especially in large quantities of about 15%), the deposits held in suspension tend to precipitate.

Additionally, foaming (caused by the increased concentration of some additives) can occur if too much fresh oil is added at once. As such, oil top-up intervals must be managed to avoid further degradation.

The Evolution of Diesel Engine oil CK4 vs FA4

As engines have evolved, the lubricants that keep them running have changed with them.

Diesel engines have been around for more than half a century. Chances are that if you are around fleets or equipment, you have encountered a diesel engine. They have been described as the workhorses of the industry, and they provide users across industries with the power they need. Whether it’s in the form of a generator for a medical facility, a tractor engine on a farm or an engine on a school bus, diesel engines are everywhere.

Diesel engines have evolved, and a diesel engine today may not exactly line up with the diesel engines of the past. However, their evolution has been slower than that of the gasoline engine. For instance, many diesel engines today still use a 40-weight oil (albeit multigrade or semi-synthetic) which can tell us about the changes in the viscosity requirements over the years.

This column explores how the specifications changed to get a better idea of:

  • The evolution of diesel engine oils
  • Some reasons behind its degradation
  • Ways that degradation sources can be identified through oil analysis

Understanding Diesel Engine Oil Specifications

As per the American Petroleum Institute (API), the standards governing Diesel Engine oils began with the CA spec which became obsolete in 1959. The latest diesel engine oil standards were upgraded to CK4 and FA4 in December 2016. On the other hand, the gasoline spec entered its latest standard, the SP spec which includes 0w16 and 5w16, in May 2020.

What Does This Mean for Your Fleet?

Most API standards are backward compatible. This means that an engine that requires a CJ4 spec oil can still use a CK4 spec oil, but the reverse is not true.

For more modern engines, oils have been engineered following environmental regulations that did not exist 50 years ago. Additionally, these newer engines now have more demand compared to older engines.

As such, the oil is under more duress and must perform under these conditions. Newer oils are formulated with this in mind.

CK4 oils provide enhanced protection against oil oxidation and viscosity loss caused by shear and oil aeration, catalyst poisoning, particulate filter blocking, engine wear, piston deposits, degradation of low- and high-temperature properties, and soot-related viscosity increase compared to the CJ4 oils (API, 2024). It must be noted that FA4 oils are not backward compatible with the CJ4 oils nor are they intended for on- or off-highway applications which require CJ4 oils.

The Evolution of Diesel Engine oil CK4 vs FA4

The FA4 oils are blended to a high-temperature, high-shear (HTHS) viscosity range of 2.9 centipoise (cP) to 3.2 cP to assist in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They are especially effective at sustaining emission control system durability where particulate filters and other advanced aftertreatment systems are used.

These oils also provide enhanced protection against oil oxidation and viscosity loss caused by shear and oil aeration. In addition, they protect against catalyst poisoning, particulate filter blocking, engine wear, piston deposits, degradation of low and high-temperature properties, and soot-related viscosity increase.

What’s the Difference Between CK4 & FA4 oils?

CK4 oils are specifically designed for use in high-speed, four-stroke-cycle diesel engines designed to meet the 2017 model year, on-highway and tier 4, non-road exhaust emission standards and for previous model year diesel engines. However, these are also formulated for diesel engines using diesel fuel ranging in sulfur content up to 500 parts per million (ppm) (0.05% by weight). Diesel fuels that contain more than 15 ppm (0.0015%) may impact the exhaust aftertreatment system’s durability and/or the oil drain interval.

On the other hand, FA4 oils are xW30 oils specifically designed for use in select high-speed, four-stroke-cycle diesel engines designed to meet 2017 model year, on-highway greenhouse gas emission standards. These are particularly formulated for diesel fuels with a sulfur content up to 15 ppm (0.0015% by weight).

API FA-4 oils are not interchangeable or backward compatible with API CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4, CI-4+ and CH-4 oils. Additionally, these oils cannot be used with diesel fuel containing between 500 ppm to 15 ppm of sulfur.

Figure 1 shows the API donut for both specifications as detailed by (API, 2016). This API donut typically appears on every diesel engine oil that is sold (those that are original and not counterfeit).

Figure 1: API donut. Source: American Petroleum Institute
Figure 1: API donut. Source: American Petroleum Institute

The Influence of Lubricant Selection on Degradation

Guidelines should always be followed when selecting a lubricant for a particular application. OEMs will have specific criteria ranges for specialty applications that must be satisfied. Some general guidelines which should be considered can be summarized in the table below based on the listed mechanisms above.

Based on the three listed mechanisms above, one can identify that choosing a lubricant can impact the type of degradation which occurs during its lifetime. As such, when selecting lubricants, it is critical to note their applications and the conditions they will endure.

Having a history of lubricant failures for particular equipment can also assist in this regard by informing users of past failure trends. Therefore, when selecting a lubricant, operators can be more mindful of the properties which should not be compromised during the selection process.

The process of troubleshooting degradation in lubricants has been covered in detail in the book, “Lubrication Degradation – Getting Into the Root Causes” by Bob Latino and myself, published by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.

Want to read the entire article? Find it here in Precision Lubrication Magazine!

Which Degradation Mechanism Is Affected?

My previous article published in Precision Lubrication covered six degradation mechanisms: oxidation, thermal degradation, microdieseling, electrostatic spark discharge, additive depletion, and contamination.

Upon further investigation, there are only three mechanisms where selecting the correct lubricant will impact the degradation mode. These are; oxidation, microdieseling, and electrostatic spark discharge. The properties of the lubricant can easily influence each of these degradation mechanisms.

When selecting a lubricant, especially for rotating equipment, one of the critical areas of importance is the performance of the antioxidants. When formulated, oils must be balanced to protect the components in various aspects.

Thus, some oils that boast a high level of antioxidants may suffer from low levels of antiwear, or these increased levels can react with other components to reduce the performance of the oil. During oxidation, antioxidants are depleted at an accelerated rate which can lead to lube oil varnish. Hence, the choice of lubricant can influence this degradation mechanism.

A good trending test, in this case, would be the RULER test to accurately quantify and trend the remaining useful antioxidants for the oil. This test can easily distinguish and quantify the type of antioxidant rather than providing an estimate of the oxidation, as with the RPVOT test.

It has been noted that oils with an RPVOT of more than 1000 mins have a low reproducibility value which can mislead users during trending of lubricant degradation. Corrosion inhibitors, not just antioxidants, have also influenced the RPVOT values. Thus, there are better tests for monitoring the presence of antioxidants and helping operators to detect the onset of possible lube oil varnish.

On the other hand, during microdieseling, entrained air can lead to pitting the equipment’s internals and eventually the production of sludge or tars depending on whether the entrained air experiences a high or low implosion pressure.

If bubbles become entrained in the lubricant and do not rise to the surface, this can directly result from the lubricant’s antifoaming property. The antifoaming property is essential when selecting an oil, especially for gearboxes. Typically, OEMs will have recommendations for their components that should be followed.

Another degradation mechanism that can be influenced by lubricant selection is electrostatic spark discharge. This mechanism occurs when the lubricant accumulates static electricity after passing through tight clearances. These then discharge at the filters or other components inside the equipment, providing sharp points or ideal areas to allow static discharge.

This is frequently seen in hydraulic oils due to the very tight clearances within the equipment. If fluid conductivity is above 100 pS/m, the risk of static being produced is reduced. Some OEMs also provide particular values the lubricant should meet for this property.


Want to read the entire article? Find it here in Precision Lubrication Magazine!

Has the Lubricant Failed the Equipment, or Has the Equipment Failed the Lubricant?

Many lubrication engineers are faced with finding the most appropriate lubricant for an application. Therefore, they are tasked with selecting the “right” lubricant; subsequently, their decision can influence several outcomes.

A lot of the positive results are in the realm of extending the life of the oil, providing better energy efficiency, and even saving costs associated with downtime. However, can the choice of an “incorrect” lubricant impact its degradation process or lead to the presence of lube oil varnish?

Has the Lubricant Failed the Equipment, or Has the Equipment Failed the Lubricant?

Lubricants provide many different functions. These can range from moving heat or contaminants away from the components, minimizing wear and friction, improving efficiency, providing information about the status of the lubricant, or even transmitting power, as is the case with hydraulic oils.

There has been the time aged question of whether a lubricant fails the equipment or the equipment has failed the lubricant. If a deeper dive is performed into this question, one can deduce that lubricants are engineered to withstand particular conditions.

Once those conditions are met, lubricants can perform their intended functions. However, if the conditions exceed the tolerances of the lubricant, then one will notice a faster degradation. In this case, the environment and its conditions have failed the lubricant.

On the other hand, lubricants are designed to be sacrificial and are used up while in service. Hence, it is normal to see additives’ values deplete when trending oil analysis values, especially for turbine oils. Quite notably, additives responsible for antiwear or extreme pressure will decrease over time as they protect the components.

For this instance, the lubricant would have been performing its function until it could no longer do so or has reached its end of life. The conditions in the environment cannot be blamed for the lubricant failing. This is the nature of the lubricant.

Lubricant condition monitoring lets analysts detect whether a lubricant is undergoing degradation and can even help determine some areas where it has begun to fail. For instance, if the RULER® test can quantify the remaining antioxidants in an oil. Analysts can easily interpret its results to determine if the process of oxidation is occurring within that lubricant.

Similarly, an FTIR test can detect whether contaminants are present in the lubricant or if the additive packages have become severely depleted. These tests all aid in allowing analysts to successfully determine whether or not a lubricant is performing at its full functional capacity.


Want to read the entire article? Find it here in Precision Lubrication Magazine!

Why Do We Need Lubricant Additives?

Lubricants keep the world turning. Once something moves, a lubricant should be present to reduce friction or wear between the surfaces. But what makes lubricants so unique in our industry? Is it just the base oil?

No, this is where the power of lubricant additives truly shines, an area many overlook.

Why Do We Need Lubricant Additives?

Before getting into the world of additives, let’s step back to the basics: why are they needed? A lubricant is composed of base oil and additives. Depending on the type of oil, different ratios of additives will be used for the various applications. Additionally, each Lubricant OEM will have its unique formula for its lubricant.

To simplify this, we can think of making a cup of tea. The first thing we need is some hot water in a cup. This can be our base oil. It can be used on its own (some people drink hot water or use it for other purposes), but if we want to make a cup of tea, we must add stuff.

Depending on the purpose for which you’re drinking the tea, you may choose a particular flavor. Perhaps peppermint for improved digestion or to help improve your concentration or chamomile to keep you calm.

These flavors can represent the various types of oils: gear oils, turbine oils, or motor oils. Different blends are suited for different applications.

Now, while we’ve added the tea bag to the hot water (and some people can drink tea like this), others need to add sweetener or milk. These are the additives to the base oil (hot water).

Depending on the preference of the person drinking the tea, there will be varying amounts of sweetener (honey, stevia, or sugar) and varying amounts of milk (regular, low-fat, oat, dairy-free). The combinations are endless!

The same can be said of additives in finished lubricants. Depending on the type of oil (tea flavor, think gear or turbine oil) and its application (the person drinking the tea, with dietary preferences of being dairy-free or sugar-free), the combination of lubricant additives and their ratios will differ. The percentage of additives can vary from 0.001 to 30% based on the type of oil.

Additives have three main functions in a finished lubricant. They can;

  • Enhance – improve some of the properties of the base oil
  • Suppress – reduce some of the characteristics of the base oil
  • Add new properties – introduce new features to the base oil

The finished lubricant will have properties from the base oil and additives combined.

Want to read the entire article? Find it here in Precision Lubrication Magazine!

The Difference Between Antiwear and Extreme Pressure Additives

The terms antiwear additives and extreme pressure additives are often used interchangeably, suggesting that they provide the same functions in a lubricant. This is not exactly true. While there are many similarities in how they function, both additives have distinct functions in protecting lubricants.

Both are film-forming additives (Bruce, 2012). Their functions are to reduce wear between two contacting surfaces or reduce friction to lower the heat produced between the two rubbing surfaces.

They can also be classified as boundary additives that can be temperature-dependent (EP additives) or non-temperature-dependent (Antiwear additives). They both function to mitigate against wear, which is usually caused during boundary lubrication where higher speeds, loads, or temperatures can cause contact with the asperities.

One of the significant differences, as noted by Mang & Dresel, 2007 is that antiwear additives are designed to reduce wear when the system is exposed to moderate stress. On the other hand, EP additives are much more reactive. These are used when the system’s stress is very high to prevent the welding of moving parts.

According to (Bruce, 2012), there are four main groups of commercially available EP additives based on the structures containing phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, and overbased sulfonates. He explains that the phosphorus, sulphur, and chlorine-containing EP additives are activated by heat over a range of temperatures.

For instance, chlorine-containing EP additives are usually activated between 180-240°C, phosphorus-containing additives are activated at higher temperatures, and sulphur-containing additives operate at 600-1,000°C.

On the other hand, overbased sulfonates contain a colloidal carbonate that reacts with iron to form a thin-film barrier layer between tribocontacts. This protects the surface from direct contact and welding.

As we can see, antiwear and EP additives protect the surfaces between which the lubricant exists. However, they are activated differently and subsequently perform two different functions.

Antiwear additives protect against wear and are not temperature dependent, while EP additives are activated by high stress to prevent the welding of moving parts.

Both functions are essential to protecting the system from additional wear and ensuring it remains operational.


Want to read the entire article? Find it here in Precision Lubrication Magazine!



Bloch, H. (2009). Practical lubrication for industrial facilities, Second edition. Lilburn: Fairmont Press Inc.

Bruce, R. W. (2012). Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology, Volume II, Theory and Design, Second Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.

Coyle, C. L., Greaney, M. A., Stiefel, E. I., Francis, J. N., & Beltzer, M. (1991, Feb 26). United States of America Patent No. 4,995,996.

Mang, T., & Dresel, W. (2007). Lubricants and Lubrication, Second, Completely Revised and Extended Edition. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Mortier, R. M., Fox, M. F., & Orszulik, S. T. (2010). Chemistry and Technology of Lubricants, Third Edition. (C. Bovington, Ed.) Dordrecht Heidelberg: Springer Science+Business Media B.V. doi:10.1023/b105569_3

Pirro, D. M., Webster, M., & Daschner, E. (2016). ExxonMobil, Lubrication Fundamentals, Third Edition, Revised and Explained. USA: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.

Zhang, J., & Spikes, H. (2016). On the Mechanism of ZDDP Antiwear Film Formation. Tribol Lett, pp. 1–2.

Measuring Oil Viscosity

The viscosity of oil is one of its most essential characteristics. Thus, it is important to understand how this is measured and quantified. There are two main types of viscosity, dynamic (or absolute) and kinematic viscosity.

The dynamic viscosity measures the force required to overcome fluid friction in a film and is reported in centipoise (cP) or in SI units Pascal Seconds (Pa s) where 1 Pa s = 10 P (Poise). It can also be considered the internal friction of a fluid. This is usually used for calculating elastohydrodynamic lubrication related to rolling element bearings and gears.

On the other hand, the kinematic viscosity of a fluid is the relative flow of a fluid under the influence of gravity. Its unit of measure is centistokes (cSt) which in SI units is mm2/s, 1cSt = 1 mm2/s. (Mang & Dresel, 2007).

Kinematic Viscosity = Dynamic Viscosity / Density

Other units of measure for viscosity include; Saybolt, Redwood, and Engler, but these are less widely used than the cSt or cP, especially for lubricants.

Oil Viscosity Grades and Standards

One of the best-kept secrets about viscosity is that a particular grade often represents a range. When oils are classified, one may see an ISO 32 or ISO 220 and believe that the oil will have this exact viscosity (32 cSt or 220 cSt). However, this is not the case.

There are three general classifications where viscosity grades have particular ranges based on the fluid type. The fluid may behave differently in each application, hence the need for these three scales. However, there is a chart that allows users to convert the various scales into the one needed.

Engine Oil Classification (SAE J300)

As per the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the SAE J300 standard classifies oils for use in automotive engines by viscosities determined at low shear rates and high temperature (100°C), high shear rate and high temperature (150°C) and both low and high shear rates at low temperature (-5°C to -40°C) (Pirro, Webster, & Daschner, 2016).

Engine manufacturers have widely used this system to aid in designing lubricants suited for these applications. As such, oil formulators also adhere to these classifications when engineering lubricants.

One will note the use of the suffix letter “W” in some of the grades below. These oils are intended for low ambient conditions, whereas those without the “W” are intended for oils that will not encounter low ambient conditions.

These are commonly described as multigrade (where the “W” is found between two numbers) and monograde oils (where the “W” is at the end or the grade is identified by a number only) in the table below.

The table shows that the viscosities must fall within a particular range to be classified. For instance, a 5W30 oil should meet the specifications of:

  • Low temperature, Cranking viscosity of 6600 cP at -30°C
  • Low temperature, Pumping Viscosity Max with No Yield Stress of 60,000 cP at -35°C
  • Low shear rate Kinematic viscosity at 100°C should be between 9.3 -12.5 cSt
  • High Shear rate viscosity at 150°C Max at 2.9 cP

One will notice the range of 9.3 to 12.5 cSt (at 100°C). This is where oils can be blended to either end of this scale but still achieve the classification of a 5w30 oil.

Axle and Manual Transmission Lubricant Viscosity Classification (SAE J306)

As per the SAE recommended practice J306, automotive manual transmissions and drive axles are classified by viscosity, measured at 100°C (212°F), and by the maximum temperature at which they reach the viscosity of 150,000 cP (150 Pa s) when cooled and measured in accordance to ASTM D2983 (Method of Test for Apparent Viscosity at Low Temperature Using Brookfield Viscometer). (Pirro, Webster, & Daschner, 2016).

The table below shows that for an SAE grade of 190, the kinematic viscosity must fall within the range of 13.5 to 18.5 cSt at 100°C. While most viscosities tend to fall mid-range of these values, it also indicates that if the lubricant achieves 18 cSt at 100°C, it can still be classified at an SAE grade 90.

The most common multigrade lubricants within this grade fall within the 80w90 or 75w140 classifications.

Another factor for these types of lubricants is API GL4 or GL5 ratings. It must be noted that a GL5 lubricant is recommended for hypoid gears operating under high-speed, high-load conditions.

On the other hand, a GL4 lubricant is usually recommended for the helical and spur gears in manual transmissions and transaxles operating under moderate speeds or loads. These should not be used interchangeably as the GL5 lubricants tend to adhere to the surfaces and may cause more damage in a GL4 application.

Figure 5: Automotive Gear Lubricant Viscosity Classification. Source: Lubrication Fundamentals, Third Edition Revised and Expanded by Pirro D. M., Webster M., and Daschner E. pg 52

Viscosity System for Industrial Fluid Lubricants

This classification was jointly developed by the ASTM and STLE (Society for Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers). Initially, the system was based on viscosities measured at 100°F but converted to viscosities measured at 40°C.

ASTM D2422 and ISO 3448 are the references for this system. In this system, it is clearer to see the variances in the ranges of viscosities. In this case, the mid-point of the range is used as the ISO viscosity. To determine the range of any ISO viscosity, one can calculate ±10% of the mid-point value to get the minimum and maximum values of the range.

Figure 6: Viscosity System for Industrial Fluid Lubricants. Source: Lubrication Fundamentals, Third Edition Revised and Expanded by Pirro D. M., Webster M., and Daschner E. pg 52

All of these systems can be represented in the figure below, where it is easy to calculate the oil viscosity using another system:

Figure 7: Various viscosity systems in one chart.

Factors That Affect Oil Viscosity

Similar to the molasses and water examples above, different factors can affect the viscosity of a liquid. For instance, water can assume other states depending on the temperature.

If water is at its freezing point (0°C), it can turn to ice but remains liquid at room temperature (around 20-30°C). Then, at 100°C, it can turn into a vapor. Its viscosity can change depending on the influencing factors.

Four factors affect oil viscosity:

  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Shear rate
  • Oil type, composition, and additives


As seen with the example of the water above, when the temperature decreases, the water can turn to ice. Similarly, for lubricants, as the temperature drops, the viscosity increases. This means the oil will get thicker or more resistant to flow at lower temperatures. Likewise, as the oil heats up, it can become thinner.

This is similar to a block of ice melting as temperatures increase. Its viscosity will decrease, and the ice will turn to water. In this case, the internal molecules gain more energy with the increase in temperature, lowering the internal friction within the fluid. As such, the viscosity also decreases.

Since the oil’s viscosity will change with temperature, most OEMs will supply a temperature–viscosity chart for their equipment to help ensure the correct viscosity is used depending on the operating temperature.

In the figure below, gear oils of varying viscosities are plotted against the temperature for a particular piece of equipment. OEMs will typically specify the optimum operational viscosity range for their equipment.

It is then up to the lubrication engineers to determine the ideal viscosity based on the conditions of their equipment (this can vary depending on the application).

Figure 1: Temperature – Viscosity chart for Shell Omala S2 G (Source: Shell Lubricants TDS)
Figure 1: Temperature – Viscosity chart for Shell Omala S2 G (Source: Shell Lubricants TDS)

From the figure above, one can see that at 40°C, most of the gear oil grades correspond with their viscosities (ISO 68 corresponds with a 68 viscosity). However, at 0°C, an ISO 68 gear oil can become 1000 cSt, while at 90°C, this same grade of oil is around 11cSt.

Interestingly, all of the oils listed here can achieve a viscosity of 100cSt but at different temperatures, as shown below:

  • 32°C – ISO 68
  • 40°C – ISO 100
  • 47°C – ISO 150
  • 55°C – ISO 220
  • 63°C – ISO 320
  • 68°C – ISO 460
  • 75°C – ISO 680

Temperature is a significant influencing factor of viscosity, but it is not the only factor.


The effects of pressure on a lubricant’s viscosity are often overlooked. However, the viscosity-pressure behavior has become part of the calculation for elastohydrodynamic films. In these cases, oil viscosity can rapidly increase with pressure.

One such instance occurs with metal-forming lubricants, which are subjected to high pressures such that the oil’s viscosity can increase tenfold (Mang & Dresel, 2007). As the pressure increases, viscosity also increases, protecting the surface in these lubricant films.

The very definition of viscosity alludes to pressure’s impact on Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. For example, with Newtonian fluids (regular lubricating oils), the shear rate is proportional to the applied shear stress (pressure) at any given temperature.

As seen above, the viscosity can be determined once the temperature remains the same. However, Non-Newtonian fluids, such as greases, only flow once a shear stress exceeding the yield point is applied (Pirro, Webster, & Daschner, 2016).

Hence, this is why the observed viscosity of grease is called its apparent viscosity and should always be reported at a specific temperature and flow rate.

Shear Rate

For Newtonian fluids, viscosity does not vary with shear rate (Pirro, Webster, & Daschner, 2016). In fact, per the definition of viscosity for Newtonian fluids (regular lubricating oils), viscosity is a constant proportionality factor between the shear force and shear rate. Thus, even when subjected to greater shear forces, the viscosity will not change for Newtonian fluids.

On the other hand, for non-Newtonian fluids, the viscosity is influenced by the shear rate. Some non-Newtonian fluids can include; pseudoplastic fluids, dilatant fluids, and a Bingham solid, the effects of shear rate on these fluids are shown in the figure below.

A Bingham solid is a plastic solid such as grease that only flows above a particular yield stress. It can be seen that pseudoplastic fluids decrease viscosity with an increasing shear rate, while dilatant fluids show an increase in viscosity with an increasing shear rate. (Hamrock, Schmid, & Jacobson, 2004)

Figure 2: Characteristics of different fluids as a function of shear rate vs. viscosity (a) and shear rate vs. shear stress (b). Source: Fundamentals of Fluid Film Lubrication by Hamrock, Schmid & Jacobson, page 102.
Figure 2: Characteristics of different fluids as a function of shear rate vs. viscosity (a) and shear rate vs. shear stress (b). Source: Fundamentals of Fluid Film Lubrication by Hamrock, Schmid & Jacobson, page 102.

The shear of a lubricant can influence its shear rate. Typically, longer-chain polymer viscosity index improvers can shear over time. When this happens, it can result in a decrease in oil viscosity. Similarly, non-Newtonian fluids, such as grease, experience a decrease in viscosity as a function of shear rate (Totten, 2006).

Another essential characteristic to note is whether a material is thixotropic or rheopectic. For a thixotropic material, if it is placed under a continuous mechanical load over a period of time, the viscosity will appear to decrease over this time.

However, the original viscosity is restored after a specific rest period, as shown in the figure below. On the other hand, for rheopectic materials, continuous shearing causes the viscosity to increase. (Mang & Dresel, 2007).

Figure 3: Flow characteristics of a thixotropic lubricant (Source: Lubricants and Lubrication edited by Theo Mang and Wilfried Dresel, page 30)

Oil Type, Composition, and Additives

Various oil types, compositions, and additives can influence a lubricant’s viscosity. For instance, the five groups of base oils all have varying characteristics, as shown in the figure below. One can note the differing viscosities for the various groups.

Figure 4: Base Stock property comparison (Source: Lubricants and Lubrication edited by Theo Mang and Wilfried Dresel, page 13)
Figure 4: Base Stock property comparison (Source: Lubricants and Lubrication edited by Theo Mang and Wilfried Dresel, page 13)

When a finished lubricant is made, it usually consists of a base oil and additives. Hence, the base oil will have a significant role in determining the final viscosity of the oil. However, with the advent of Viscosity Index Improvers, desired viscosities can be engineered regardless of the base oil type being used.


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