We now have courses that are readily available from our suppliers that you can start at your convenience!
Check them out today!
Reliability Center Inc
Here are the courses offered:
- Intro to PROACT RCA: Generate ROI with PROACT® RCA
- PROACT® RCA Methodology and Certification
- PROACT® Human Error Reduction
- PROACT® Why Parts Fail
- PROACT® Reliability Professional - All Courses
- PROACT® Software Course
- Certificación en la Metodología de Análisis de Causa Raíz PROACT®
Road 2 Reliability
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling consisting of 10 modules:
- Welcome to the course
- Introduction to Planning & Scheduling
- Identify & Prioritize Work
- Plan Work
- Monitor Work
- Schedule Work
- Execute Work
- Close out Work
- Review & Improve
- Implementing Planning & Scheduling
5th Order Industry LLC
Here are the courses offered:
- ICML & STLE Courses
- Contamination Control
- Lubricant Selection
- Grease
- Lubricant Storage
- Lubricant use & Application
- Fundamentals of Lubrication
- Lubrication Chemistry
- Oil Analysis
- Lubrication Failure Modes
- Reliability Centered Maintenance
East Partnership
Maintenance Task Analysis consisting of 3 main modules:
- An Introduction to Maintenance Task Analysis
- Performing Maintenance Task Analysis &
- Utilizing MTA Results
Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), informs maintenance, supply, budget, and life cycle strategy decisions based on whether to Repair, Replace, or Discard failed parts.
It consists of four modules:
- Lesson 1 - Introduction to LORA
- Lesson 2 - Noneconomic Analysis
- Lesson 3 - Economic Analysis
- Lesson 4 - Sensitivity and Decision Analysis
SRSL has partnered with East Partnership to offer a couple of On Demand Courses. Check them out today!