Category: Storage & Handling of Lubricants

Benefits of Oil Consolidation

There are many benefits to the consolidation of lubricants, but here are a few that stand out: Reduced Cost of Inventory, Reduced Human Error, Reduced HSE Risks, Reduced Operational Costs...

The Other S Factors: The 5S Methodology

In this case, the best place to start is with an inventory list developed by physically identifying the items on the plant. If this is the first time this exercise is being conducted, then it is critical to perform this check in person rather than rely on the information entered into the CMMS (if one exists). Sometimes, not all the information may have been captured in the CMMS when it was entered initially...

Let’s “Sort’ This Out: The 5S Methodology

In this case, the best place to start is with an inventory list developed by physically identifying the items on the plant. If this is the first time this exercise is being conducted, then it is critical to perform this check in person rather than rely on the information entered into the CMMS (if one exists). Sometimes, not all the information may have been captured in the CMMS when it was entered initially...

Oil Consolidation Reimagined: The 5S Method for Smarter Lubrication Practices

There are various OEMs on the market that all produce finished lubricants. Some of the majors are Shell lubricants, ExxonMobil, Total, and Castrol, while there are other niche producers who handle very specific markets. Like the pharmacy, where numerous choices solve the same issue, we have machinery lubricants from different suppliers who meet most of the standard specifications or specialty-grade products...

Storage and Handling & Advancements in Hydraulic oils

Hydraulic systems have smaller clearances than many. As such, it is imperative that these oils be kept clean and free from any debris. Most hydraulic components have a required ISO 4406 rating that should be met to ensure that the oils do not allow foreign particles to enter as these can easily clog the clearances and cause the system to stop working...

How Do We Prevent Contamination?

Contamination in lubrication systems can lead to equipment downtime and increased costs. Effective practices include proper labeling, storage in sealed containers, and filtration of both new and used lubricants. Regular oil analysis is vital for monitoring contaminants. Implementing these strategies can help maintain equipment performance and reduce expenses...

Is Oil Contamination Affecting the Performance of Your Equipment?

Contamination significantly impacts machinery performance, causing 51% of equipment failures. It comprises gases, liquids, and solids that can alter lubricant properties and lead to inefficiency, increased wear, or catastrophic failures. Understanding and controlling contamination sources are essential for maintaining equipment reliability and preventing costly downtime...

ICML 55 – the revolution in the lubrication sector

What is ICML 55? ICML 55 is revolutionizing the lubrication industry! It is so exciting to be around at this time when it has......

Lubricant Deterioration Identifications

What the difference between Shelf Life and Service Life? There’s a major difference between Shelf life and Service life especially when it concerns lubricants!......

Conditions that affect lubricants

What conditions affect lubricants? How are your lubricants currently stored? Are you storing lubricants under the correct conditions? These questions have come up a......

Colour Coding

What is the importance of Colour Coding? Quite often when we are correcting or helping companies set up their lubrication storage areas, we get......

Lubrication Audit?

Audits usually get people nervous! They are worried about what the auditor may or may not find. When we perform lubrication audits, we’re trying......

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Benefits of Oil Consolidation

There are many benefits to the consolidation of lubricants, but here are a few that stand out:

Reduced Cost of Inventory

For warehouses that stock many types of lubricants, there is a cost attached to holding these high stock levels, especially when the lubricants will not be consumed as quickly. However, with a consolidated stock, these levels can deplete at a faster rate than the specialty one or two lubricants, which may be used occasionally by certain assets. This helps to reduce the overall holding cost of the stock.

Reduced Human Error

With lubricants from many different suppliers, it is very easy for someone to get confused and use the wrong lubricant in the wrong application. This can lead to unplanned downtime and a possible flush of the entire system, depending on the level of cross-contamination. However, with a consolidated stock, the risks associated with humans utilizing the wrong lubricant become minimized.

Reduced HSE Risks

When removing a drum of oil from storage, a forklift may be required (depending on the location). If there were different products from various suppliers, it may be difficult to access the ones needed or may require extra work to remove the additional drums from the other suppliers before the operators gain access to the lubricant they need. With a consolidated stock, it would be easier to access the lubricant needed, and there would be less risk associated with removing it from stock.

There are various types of handling procedures associated with the different lubricants. As such, more procedures will be involved for disposing and handling various oils. This can also increase the HSE risk if someone is not fully aware of how to handle specific lubricants. With a consolidated stock, the HSE personnel will not have as many procedures to be aware of when handling these lubricants.

Reduced Operational Costs

Personnel would no longer be required to handle all the invoicing and payments of several lubricant suppliers for the various brands. This will reduce the hours the accounting department spends on the necessary paperwork and bank transactions for several vendors. Additionally, warehouse personnel will not be tasked with receiving products several times a day from the various suppliers and producing the accompanying paperwork. This can reduce the overall operational costs.

There are many benefits to the consolidation of lubricants, especially in our facilities, but it begins with understanding if we are using them in the correct application or if we’re using an over-specified lubricant in a lower-tiered application. Auditing your facility will assist in making this process easier, as noted above. We all have our role to play in consolidating lubricants to ensure that we have a safer, more efficient plant.


ASQ. (2024, October 19). What are the Five S’s (5S) of Lean. Retrieved from American Society for Quality:

The Other S Factors: The 5S Methodology

The remaining 4 S factors can also be included in our journey to improve the overall quality of our approach to machinery lubrication. Once we have “Sorted” our lubricants by making sure we have what is necessary, we can move on to “Set these in order.”

In this step, we can ensure that all the types of lubricants are stored in a clean, dry, cool place away from water, direct sunlight, or drastic temperature changes. We can also observe the “FIFO” rules, where the first lubricant that enters the warehouse is also the first to leave and be used in the equipment. Additionally, we can have lists stating the assets in which the assigned oils are to be used and place matching tags on the equipment and dispensing containers to reduce mix-ups of the wrong lubricant being used.

The third “S” talks about “Shine,” which relates to keeping the work area clean. We can also apply this to our oils with the dispensing equipment, making sure we use clean, dedicated dispensing bottles, not the fancy, galvanized, open-top containers where someone showed off their welding skills. Those galvanized containers are huge sources of contamination, which will degrade our lubricants at a faster rate.

With the fourth “S”, the process of “Standardizing” is used. This was incorporated in the first “S” during our sorting session, where we grouped similar lubricants and standardized them for various applications.

The last “S” is to “Sustain” or make the 5S process a habit. This would involve performing audits every year to ascertain if any new lubricants entered the facility and if they, in turn, should be consolidated with others that perform the same function.

Let’s “Sort’ This Out: The 5S Methodology

When walking into many facilities, there are usually a lot of oil drums, buckets, or items used for lubrication scattered all over the facility. However, some facilities are fully equipped, nicely stocked, and have dedicated lube rooms. The first step in our process is determining what is needed and what is not.

In this case, the best place to start is with an inventory list developed by physically identifying the items on the plant. If this is the first time this exercise is being conducted, then it is critical to perform this check in person rather than rely on the information entered into the CMMS (if one exists). Sometimes, not all the information may have been captured in the CMMS when it was entered initially.

A good idea would be to divide the plant into various sections and perform your audit one section at a time. It would be ideal to note the following during your audit:

  • Name of the lubricant (for example, Turbo S4GX)
  • OEM (for example, Shell)
  • Viscosity grade (ISO 46)
  • Expiry date (use this opportunity to find out if you have expired lubricants in stock)
  • Quantity (use this opportunity to find out if the inventory levels are accurately reflected in your CMMS).

Armed with this information, we can correlate this to the equipment needing the associated lubricant. In this instance, we can compile an asset listing and assign which lubricants are used for the respective assets. With the asset listing, we should also identify the oil requirements for the specified component. This way, we can develop a table similar to Table 2 below.

Table 2: Sample table to compile asset and lubricant information
Table 2: Sample table to compile asset and lubricant information

With the information collected in Table 2, we can easily sort through the lubricants we have in use and match them back to the requirements of the assets. This is where we can identify if we have duplicated products or products that serve the same function but are represented by different brands. This is the beginning of the consolidation process.

If you enter this information electronically, it will be easy to sort. You can group similar applications together and then compare the application’s requirements to the current lubricant. This will help you determine if you are using a highly specialized lubricant for an ordinary application or if the incorrect lubricant was used from inception!

This exercise will be fundamental in gauging your lubrication requirements and then allow you to consolidate some of the lubricants in use. For instance, if there are five different applications of gear oil and many types of oil, we would need to determine if all the listed lubricants are entirely necessary. See Table 3 below and determine if we need these five types of gear oil.

Table 3: Listing of various gear oils and their assets
Table 3: Listing of various gear oils and their assets

We can begin with the types of oils listed; some have varying viscosities, while others are food grade, and the rest are not. We can include this in a summary table, as seen in Table 4:

Table 4: List of gear lubricants and their descriptions
Table 4: List of gear lubricants and their descriptions

Table 4 shows that GB 1005, GB-4005 & GB-4008 all require the same type of oil, a food-grade ISO 220 mineral gear oil. Then why do we have three different types of oils that match the exact description? We can consolidate this oil into just one food-grade ISO 220 mineral gear oil brand. Ideally, the choice will be based on the supplier relationship, the availability of the product, and other cost factors, including delivery to the site.

We can also see that GB-2009 and GB-3003 require a non-food grade ISO 460 oil; however, one is synthetic, and the other is mineral. In this case, we can review our asset specifications and determine if a synthetic was required or if a mineral oil is preferred for these applications.

In this case, we could be using a higher-specification product and paying a lot more when the asset does not require it. This decision could have occurred in the past when synthetic oil was the only available grade of oil for that component, and it was ordered from the supplier to keep the plant running. However, if we consolidate these two, then we could go with a regular mineral non-food grade ISO 460 oil for both applications.

By understanding our applications and where we’re using these oils, we’ve just cut down our list of 5 gear lubricants to 2 gear lubricants! These will be much easier to manage in our inventory than keeping track and ordering from 5 different suppliers.

Additionally, your staff will have less to worry about as they know which specific oil is for the ISO 220 grades and which one is for the ISO 460 grades, making it less complicated and reducing some human errors.

Oil Consolidation Reimagined: The 5S Method for Smarter Lubrication Practices

When we walk into a pharmacy, there are thousands of items. Some of them do the same job but have different names and price points, while others are specialty items designed to solve a particular problem at a slightly elevated price point. Some of these may not be readily available in all pharmacies. Machinery lubricants adopt a similar type of pattern.

There are various OEMs on the market that all produce finished lubricants. Some of the majors are Shell lubricants, ExxonMobil, Total, and Castrol, while there are other niche producers who handle very specific markets. Like the pharmacy, where numerous choices solve the same issue, we have machinery lubricants from different suppliers who meet most of the standard specifications or specialty-grade products.

Each supplier will have a proprietary blend that comes from an invested amount of Research and Development into their product to produce something that meets international equipment specifications and regulatory standards.

Does this mean that one product is better than the other, or does it mean that all hydraulic oils (for instance) are the same? This depends on the application.

The hydraulic oil used to top up the compactor of a garbage truck with several leaks will not be the same hydraulic oil that we use for a critical hydraulic system in a power plant, which requires fire-resistant oil. We can also compare the engine oil used for a 40-year-old regular car to that of the engine oil used in a McLaren race car on race day.

Different applications have varying risks associated with them, as well as performance expectations; this is what sets certain lubricants apart.

The 5S Methodology

While some may be familiar with the 5S methodology of lean principles, this may be the first time others have heard of its existence. In essence, these principles help to maintain quality standards within the workplace. As per (ASQ, 2024), 5S is a quality tool derived from 5 Japanese terms used to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean production. The 5 pillars and their translations are listed in Table 1 below.

Table 1: 5S definitions (ASQ, 2024)
Table 1: 5S definitions (ASQ, 2024)

We can use these principles to adopt a leaner approach to lubricant consolidation in our facilities. This way, we ensure that our operators have a clean, manageable workplace when handling lubricants. The 5S method can give us a better overall view of what happens in our lubricant storage areas.

Storage and Handling & Advancements in Hydraulic oils

Hydraulic systems have smaller clearances than many. As such, it is imperative that these oils be kept clean and free from any debris. Most hydraulic components have a required ISO 4406 rating that should be met to ensure that the oils do not allow foreign particles to enter as these can easily clog the clearances and cause the system to stop working.

Chevron Lubricants produced a document that compiles some ISO 4406 codes for various types of industrial off highway equipment, which also includes the hydraulic standards. It noted the recommended ISO Cleanliness for John Deere hydraulic Excavators can be ≤23/21/16, this can be found here (Chevron Lubricants, 2015).

Hydraulic oils should be pre-filtered before being placed in your equipment even though there are filters on the inside of the equipment by reducing the amount of contamination entering the system from the onset, you can ensure a longer life for your hydraulic oil. Hydraulic oils should also be stored in closed containers not those that are left open to the atmosphere!

Advancements in Hydraulic Oils

According to (Fitzpatrick & Thom, 2021), the hydraulic oil market was approximately worth USD 77.5 billion by the end of 2021. Mobile hydraulics account for 65% of the market while industrial equipment represents 35% of the market. Clearly, the larger market share exists for mobile hydraulics. However, OEMs are also moving towards smaller oil sumps with longer oil drain intervals that can impact on the volume of hydraulics needed periodically.

Changes by OEMs also impact the formulation of hydraulic oils. For instance, if a smaller sump is used then, the hydraulic oil must now be able to cool faster, transport the same (or larger) force and maintain the intended viscosity of operation while being under greater stress. In these cases, the additive packages involving the antiwear, thermal stability, viscosity index improvers, defoamants and dispersants must be formulated to work in unison without compromising the other.

There have been changes in additive technology that allow for larger tolerances for various characteristics but while additives are evolving, the refining of base oils is also trying to keep up. With all of these evolutions, the chemical composition of hydraulic oil today vastly differs from one created in the 1950s. The requirements of hydraulic oil have also greatly evolved, forcing these changes in formulation.

Hydraulic oils today need to provide longer oil drain intervals, better stick/slip characteristics, increased efficiency, improved conductivity and wear performance and an added level of sustainability. Formulators need to create hydraulic oils that can adhere to these characteristics while also not infringing on regulatory requirements. This makes hydraulic oils one of the most powerful types of oils because they must conform to these requirements while also transferring force from one place to another.


Chevron Lubricants. (2015, January 24). Chevron Lubricants Latin America. Retrieved from Chevron Lubricants:

Fitzpatrick, A., & Thom, M. (2021, November 08). How the Global Hydraulic Fluid Market Is Changing—And What It Means for the Future. Retrieved from Power Transmission Engineering:

Mang, T., & Dresel, W. (2007). Lubricants and Lubrication Second Edition. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH.

Pirro, D. M., Webster, M., & Daschner, E. (2016). Lubrication Fundamentals, Third Edition Revised and Expanded, ExxonMobil. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

How Do We Prevent Contamination?

Contamination exists all around us, but we must prevent its intrusion into our lubrication systems to help keep our machines alive for a longer period. Some simple steps can be performed to help reduce levels of contamination. Also, lab tests can identify the presence of contaminants.

Storage & Handling

Unfortunately, this is the area in which many of the contaminants enter the lubricant. There is no discrimination in this area because all solids, liquids and gases can easily contaminate the lubricant.

Some best practices to follow are to first ensure that all lubricants are properly labeled and that everyone on the team knows the different uses for each lubricant. While this may seem simple, some people think that “oil is oil,” and any oil can work. Educating them on the differences and their effects of being mixed is critical to ensuring that they don’t get mixed up (or used as a contaminant to another lubricant).

Typically, with construction equipment, a lot of smaller sumps do not require a full pail of oil or may require an odd volume of oil. This often means that new unused oil either remains in the original packaging or is transferred to a holding container. If the new oil remains in the original packaging the user should ensure that the packaging remains sealed after use; is airtight (not to allow any other particles in); and stored in a cool, dry place.

If it is decanted into another container, this container needs to be:

  • Clean (not previously used for another oil, not “cleaned” using fuel or some other substance)
  • Properly capped (to prevent any contaminants from entering)
  • Kept in a cool, dry place


While this may seem trivial, lots of users assume that their new lubricants meet the required cleanliness standards for their machines. This is not true. New lubricants can be dirty and should be filtered before use. The filtration specification will vary depending on the cleanliness required for your machine.

For instance, the cleanliness specification for a hydraulic machine will be different from that of the engine oil specifications because hydraulics have closer clearances. Although many machines contain system filters which will also catch some of the contaminants, it is always a best practice to filter all lubricants before placing them in your system.

Oil Analysis

Oil analysis is not a likely method to prevent contamination, but it can inform end users of the presence of contaminants. Because of this benefit, it should be used to monitor the level of contaminants in a lubricant and trend their increase or decrease over time. This can spot whether a leak in the system, if a correlation between wear and contaminants exists or an anomaly is present in the system.

The tests that should be used to identify the presence of contaminants include:

  • Viscosity (to determine if there is change in this value)
  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
  • Elemental (to identify wear metals, additives and contaminants)
  • Karl Fischer or crackle for the presence of water or fuel

Elemental analysis can easily help identify the presence of wear metals or contaminants, but it can also identify the presence of additives that are not representative of the oil in use. This is a good way of identifying the presence of an incorrect lubricant or solution that may have been used during a top up for that component.


A mixed fleet operator began noticing that the jobs allocated to the excavation crew were taking twice as long as usual, and the costs associated with those jobs for materials also increased. He decided to tag along with the site manager for one of these projects to understand the escalation of the hours and costs.

At the site, the project began smoothly and ran as it should for the first two weeks. Afterwards, he noticed that the equipment began experiencing some downtime on the site. Typically, this occurred on the day after the site maintenance crew carried out their lubricant top ups.

The lubricants were being stored in the elements close to a makeshift shed that held some other necessary tools. The maintenance crew did not have smaller containers to decant the oils for the hydraulic equipment, so they used their disposed soda bottles to “help.” Any lubricant that remained in the bottle was left open to the atmosphere, and then this was topped up by the new lubricant.

Unknowingly, these users were contaminating their oil before placing it in the machines. This led to the unplanned downtime and extra resources, such as more oil, filters and hours for the mechanic. Immediately, proper storage and decanting containers were purchased. The onsite staff was trained in using these containers, which were also color coded to avoid the mixing of different lubricants.

The allocated time for these jobs returned to normal. In addition, the costs associated with the materials decreased because they no longer had to purchase extra oil to make those oil changes when the equipment shutdown.

Contamination can have a significant impact on the downtime of your equipment but can be easily prevented by using proper storage and handling techniques and monitoring the presence/absence of particles through oil analysis.


SKF, (June 6, 2024). Solutions for Contamination. Retrieved from SKF:

Is Oil Contamination Affecting the Performance of Your Equipment?

Often, the particles we don’t see are the ones that affect us most. For instance, we can’t see bacteria or germs but those can easily get into our body and make us sick. Something similar occurs with our equipment and the lubricants which are used to help them work more efficiently. SKF notes that contamination and ineffective lubrication are responsible for 51% of bearing, coupling, chain and other machine component failures in equipment.

Logically, if we control the amount of contamination, we can control the number of failures and all the resulting consequences, such as unscheduled downtime and rush expenses (for called out or specialized labor and parts). In this column, we explore how contamination can impact the performance of your equipment, ways to combat contamination and some examples.

What Is Contamination?

Contamination is anything that is foreign to the environment. For machinery lubricants, these are usually classified in three main groups: Gases, liquids and solids. When speaking about gases, this can be air or other gases (such as ammonia or methane) that encounter the lubricant. For liquids, this includes water, fuel or any other liquid that can enter the lubricant, particularly other lubricants or liquids that can be added knowingly or unknowingly. Lastly, solids can mean dirt (from outside the process), metals (from inside the machine) or any other solid particle in the lubricant.


Gases are the most unsuspected forms of contamination since many people believe that a gas will not affect the lubricant or by extension the machine. However, if air gets trapped in a closed loop system, this can lead to foaming (if the oil makes its way to the surface) or to microdieseling if it remains entrained in the oil.

With foaming, this typically occurs in gearboxes or equipment that are subjected to high churn rates of oil. Foam can settle at the top of the oil and cause the lubricant to not form a full film to separate the contacting surfaces. As such, this can lead to wear of the equipment.

On the other hand, microdieseling or the entrainment of air in the system can also prove to be dangerous because the trapped air bubbles can give rise to temperatures in excess of 1,000°C if they move between different pressure zones. This will lead to oil degradation, often producing some coke or tar insoluble as final deposits. Additionally, this trapped air/gas can also advance to cavitation inside the equipment.

Additionally, if the gas trapped is not air but a catalyst to a chemical reaction, this can incite further or more rapid degradation of the oil making it no longer able to protect the equipment. Therefore, identifying the presence of unwanted gases in your lube oil systems or preventing their entry in the first place is important.



Liquids are trickier than gases because they somehow seem to enter the lubricant more easily or get mixed in unknowingly. When a liquid enters a lubricant, it can directly impact the viscosity of the lubricant, either increasing it or decreasing it. In either of these cases, this can be detrimental to the equipment.

If the lubricant’s viscosity increases above the essential value, then the machine will demand more energy to execute its required functions. This will directly impact its efficiency and energy consumption. On the other hand, if the lubricant’s viscosity decreases outside of the essential value, then the lubricant may not be able to adequately protect the contacting surfaces. Therefore, this increases the amount of wear that may occur on the inside of the machine.

Typically, water and fuel are the most common culprits of liquid contamination. These can easily get into your lubricants through poor storage and handling practices. Water can increase the viscosity of your lubricant and cause some additives to drop out of it, reducing its level of protection. Fuel will decrease the viscosity and possibly add to the fire risk of the system. Both can severely damage your equipment.

Another common culprit is the mixing of different types of oil. On an average day, things are busy, and people can get confused and pick up the wrong oil to perform a top up on a system. If we add gear oil or hydraulic oil to an engine oil system, we can have a catastrophe! These oils would have different viscosities, and their additive packages (or even base oils) may not be compatible. This can cause the equipment to stop working, leading to unplanned downtime and then exorbitant resources to get the machine operating again.


Solids can easily get into our equipment either from the outside or the inside. If there are openings to allow solids to enter then they will. However, sometimes solids enter our lubrication systems without us knowing. This can happen through poor storage and handling practices.

Once solids enter the system, they can:

  • Increase the viscosity of the oil
  • Increase the amount of wear occurring inside the equipment
  • Act as a catalyst (depending on their nature)
  • Block smaller clearances causing unwanted downtime in the equipment

Typically, solids are usually dirt, which can enter from outside the equipment. However, these hard particles can cause some metal to be damaged on the inside the equipment which can then lead to the metal being a catalyst for another degradation mode.

Some solids are formed inside the equipment as deposits. These deposits can occur if another contaminant (liquid, gas or another solid) enters the system and reacts with the oil to produce them. As such, these deposits may clog injectors, other valves or tight clearances causing the equipment to malfunction.

ICML 55 – the revolution in the lubrication sector


What is ICML 55?

ICML 55 is revolutionizing the lubrication industry! It is so exciting to be around at this time when it has started its implementation. For those who aren’t aware of ICML 55, here are a couple of notes on it.

ICML 55 was born out of ISO 55000 which speaks to Asset Management. From this standard, 3 standards were developed to guide the lubrication industry since no previous standards existed within the lubrication industry.

  • ICML 55.1 - Requirements for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets
  • ICML 55.2 - Guideline for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets
  • ICML 55.3 - Auditors' Standard Practice and Policies Manual

ICML 55.1 has already been completed, while 55.2 should be done at the end of this year and 55.3 scheduled for 2020.

These are exciting times!

Here’s the official press release:

While ICML 55.1 was only launched in April of this year (2019), it is a standard that the lubrication industry has been in need of for several years. It addresses the “Requirements for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets”.

What exactly are the assets covered? Here they are:

  • Rotating & Reciprocating Machines, Powertrains, Hydraulic Systems and lubricated subcomponents
  • Assets with lubricants that reduce friction, wear, corrosion, heat generation or facilitate transfer of energy
  • Finished products from API categories I-V
  • Non Machinery support assets (Personnel, policies, procedures, storage facilities and management)

There are also fluids and assets which are NOT covered:

  • Fuels, coolants, metal-working fluids, pastes, fogging agents, preservative fluids, coating materials, heat-transfer fluids, brake fluids, cosmetic lubricants
  • Solid lubricants (e.g., powders and surface treatments used as coating rather than to reduce friction between surfaces in motion)
  • Additives independent of the finished lubricant
  • Electrical transformer oils and anti-seize compounds
  • Fluids and materials derived from a petroleum or petroleum-like base
  • Fluids that do not serve a lubrication function
Photo Credit:
Photo Credit:

ICML 55.1 speaks to the “Requirements for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets” it also describes and defines 12 interrelated areas that can be incorporated in a lubrication program. This has never been officially documented before, nor has any standard been published as a guideline for lubrication programs.

The 12 areas are outlined below:

  1. SKILLS: Job Task, Training, and Competency
  2. MACHINE: Machine Lubrication and Condition Monitoring Readiness
  3. LUBRICANT: Lubricant System Design and Selection
  4. LUBRICATION: Planned and Corrective Maintenance Tasks
  5. TOOLS: Lubrication Support Facilities and Tools
  6. INSPECTION: Machine and Lubricant Inspection
  7. LUBRICANT ANALYSIS: Condition Monitoring and Lubrication Analysis
  8. TROUBLESHOOT: Fault/Failure Troubleshooting and RCA
  9. WASTE: Lubricant Waste Handling and Management
  10. ENERGY: Energy Conservation and Environmental Impact
  11. RECLAIM: Oil Reclamation and System Decontamination
  12. MANAGEMENT: Program Management and Metrics

As per ICML's website, here's a list of people that the new standard can benefit:

Photo Credit:


Check out the ICML 55 standards today and apply it to your organization!

Lubricant Deterioration Identifications

What the difference between Shelf Life and Service Life?

There’s a major difference between Shelf life and Service life especially when it concerns lubricants!

No one wants to put expired lubricants into their equipment! This can cause unexpected failures which can lead to unplanned downtime which can continue to spiral down the costly path of unproductivity!


Shelf Life

The Shelf life is usually what is stamped by the Manufacturer indicating the length of time the product can remain in its current packaging before being deemed unsuitable for use. These can typically be found on the packaging.

Service Life

The Service life however is determined by the application and conditions under which the lubricant is being used. Usually, estimated running hours / mileage are given by the equipment manufacturer in the maintenance section of the manual. (Condition monitoring can also be used to determine appropriate service intervals.)

However, how will someone know if the product has deteriorated while still in its original packaging?  What should someone typically look for?

Above are some tips for identification of deterioration in lubricants. Take a note of these for the next time you are unsure of the integrity of your lubricants.

Conditions that affect lubricants

What conditions affect lubricants?

How are your lubricants currently stored?

Are you storing lubricants under the correct conditions?

These questions have come up a dozen times during audits and countless warehouse meetings!

Conditions that affect lubricants

To answer these questions, there are five main conditions that can affect lubricants. We have detailed them along with the effects of these conditions on the lubricant.

  • Temperature – if incorrect can lead to oxidation. For every 10C rise in temperature above 40C the life of the lubricant is halved.
  • Light – too much can lead to oxidation especially for light sensitive lubricants such as transformer oils. Hence the reason that most packaging is opaque.
  • Water – this usually works with additives to cause their depletion or contamination of the product. Water in any lubricant is bad (especially for transformer oils as they are involved in the conduction of electricity.
  • Particulate contamination – contamination can occur by air borne particles if packaging is left open or if dirty containers/vessels are used to transfer the lubricant from its packaging to the component.
  • Atmospheric contamination – this affects viscosity and promotes oxidation and can occur if packaging is left open. For instance, if a drum is not properly resealed or capped after usage or the most common practice of leaving the drum open with the drum pump on the inside.

Different types of lubricant degradation

Why is it important to know the types of lubricant degradation?

It’s important since it helps us to figure out why or in some instance how, the lubricant degraded! Usually degradation is the change that occurs when the lubricant can no longer execute its five main functions:

  • the reduction of friction
  • minimization of wear
  • distribution of heat
  • removal of contaminants and
  • improvement of efficiency.


Types of lubricant Degradation Mechanisms

There are 6 main types of Lubricant Degradation as detailed below. Each type produces various by products which can enable us to understand the reason for the degradation and eliminate that / those reasons.

Here are the 6 main types of Lubricant Degradation:

1. Oxidation
2. Thermal Breakdown
3. Microdieseling
4. Additive Depletion
5. Electrostatic Spark Discharge
6. Contamination

As discussed, each mechanism produces distinct results which help us in their identification! Check out our article on why lubricants fail for more info!